Monday, November 19, 2007


I've been tagged by Elizabeth at The Hive Design Studio (who, by the way, has gorgeous cyan tags on her blog right now, check them out).

Rule-posting first:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names, and links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I'll try to make my responses relate to letterpress/design... since it's a letterpress blog!

1. I always planned to go to art school when I finished Year 12, but Dad didn't want me to be a starving artist. He wanted me to be an architect (I was topping the class at the time). Graphic design was the happy medium.

2. Letterpress is a combination of a few of the things I always wanted to have in a day job: messiness, ink, illustration, typography, design, colour, paper, working away from a desk, repetitive movements, repetitive movements, repetitive movements, being creative in a unique way, greeting cards, Illustrator vectors, photography, proofing, wearing grotty clothes... I could go on. Being a graphic designer is limiting because I'm being creative without getting dirty. I'm a grot by nature, and being a government graphic designer is eating my soul.

3. I'm a bit obsessive. I don't have 'interests' - I have obsessions. But being on a high with an obsession also leads to an inevitable low. I'm currently in a minor one - doubting my letterpress future and wondering if it's really worth pursueing or if I'm kidding myself. I guess this also comes with just losing your job.

4. I'm a horse girl. I have a gelding named Rick. I do highly detailed horse and animal portraits like this and this.

5. My real name's Louise, and I have a problem with posting my last name on the internet! That will have to change if Poppy Letterpress really goes into business.

TAG to:
1. Megan from
Megan Creates... - Such a wonderful positive spirit and a very talented woman.
Ampersand Duck - Because I know she's a kooky character and would like this ;)
3. Tanya at
Snap & Tumble - It's inspiring watching someone else with an Adana make beautiful things.
4. Lynn at
Satsuma Press - Because I couldn't help but buy one of her cards off etsy as one of my first purchases, and I'm so impressed with the quality. One of the first letterpress blogs I found.
5. Alexandra at
Dolce Press - a website/blog that I discovered only yesterday, and really need to finish reading with a big cuppa tea. It looks like a good one!

Apologies if you've been tagged already. Double apologies if you hate this type of quizziness.


Ampersand Duck said...

heh, you've discovered the wonderful world of blog memes. I went through a long stage of loving every meme that came my way... and then I figured everyone knew pretty much everything I had to say... gawd, I'm sounding jaded.

I haven't done one for a while, so why not.

Ampersand Duck said...

Hey, if your circus connection shares a paddock with you, I met her yesterday! Or, at least, we discovered the connection quite by chance! How funny is that!

Poppy Letterpress said...

I'm new to blogging, but memes via email are old news. Hey, I just love talking about myself ;)

HA! Yes, that's one of my circus peeps. She used to train my fiance when he was in circus, and before he used to train others.

Canberra's too small a place!

Oh, and turns out if I turn comment moderation on, they don't get emailed to me, so I saw these a day late.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember how i got to your blog, but it is very inspiring :) As a fellow graphic designer who dabbles in loads of other art/craft crap, i admire your leap into letterpress. i absolutely love it but can't quite convince my husband to buy one just yet. I look forward to popping back.