Thursday, January 1, 2009

Painting the office

Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings you all that you wish for and work towards. I know it's going to be a huge year for myself with the arrival of our baby in (hopefully) May, and an inspiring new year for Poppy.

I don't do new year's resolutions, but if I did, I'd promise to blog more and post more photos. That is on the big list of things to do in the new year though. For now, let me update you on what we've been up to.

The Collie's Paragon press arrived safely from our old house, so now both of the platens are in the new studio, albeit still on pallets waiting to be placed in their final positions. Having just moved house, and still in the process of unpacking endless boxes, the studio itself is full of bikes, boxes, tins, a Harley, and some random bits and pieces.

The new studio has a sink, separate toilet, office, and ample shelving. The office currently contains my desk, bookshelf, chair and guillotine. I got a blast of inspiration this morning and bought some sample pots of colour. Now that I've decided which to go for, tomorrow morning I'll start painting the office. I'm stupidly excited about this for two reasons: 1, it's my first private office, and 2, it's all mine so I can paint it whatever colour I want! Having been a renter for the past 10 years, this is quite a thrill :)

So this first week of 2009 is dedicated to cleaning out the new studio and office so that I can get all of the equipment into place and start the year fresh. Feels good!

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